Best Finder alternatives; missing key Finder functions for shell users
This is the best OS X Finder alternative, but is still missing essential Finder functionality. Currently it is not possible with Commander One PRO to launch a terminal of your choice (Terminal or iTerm or anything) in a particular directory, so if you are used to doing this with an added button in Finder, you must give this up if transitioning to Commander One PRO. So if you are a hard-core text shell user, Commander One PRO may not yet be a satisfactory alternative for you. If you have a 12-inch MacBook with large text scaling, the entire app will not fit on your screen because of a large, arbitrary minum app height. It would be very helpful if the creators would let the user select the bottom six buttons on the screen, or add shortcuts to the “drives” bar on top.
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Commander One PRO: FTP client, v1.5.2